GOAL Security Measures

Taking into account the state of the art, the costs of implementation and the nature, scope, context and purposes of user data processing as well as the risk of data manipulation, GOAL shall maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures for the Service to ensure a level of security appropriate to that risk.

GOAL treats user data (electronic data and content provided to the Service) in strict confidentiality, and the servers in which this data is to be stored includes the necessary industry-standard security measures to prevent accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access.

Our support staff will have access to sensitive information only to provide adequate solutions to the user, but these will not be disclosed externally or internally.

Security procedures are adopted to high standards both for user authentication and for network security. The servers are in data centers that guarantees high availability and integrity of stored information.

GOAL’s internal data access processes and policies are designed to prevent unauthorized persons and/or systems from gaining access to systems used to process data on the Service.

Network Security

GOAL makes HTTPS encryption (also referred to as TLS connection) available for data transmission protocol over the internet. Clear text HTTP connections to the Service are disabled by default.

User Data Security

GOAL logically isolates User Data in the Service. We conducts tests on a regular basis to confirm logical isolation. After 90 days following termination of User’s contract for the Service, GOAL will delete all User Data in the production servers of the Service.